These Indoor Plants Love the Low-Light Phenomenon

September 30, 2022

There's a common misconception that less light means less productivity, but there's no denying that some plants prefer low-light conditions. In this article, we will be going to show you just a few examples of indoor plants that are likely to do well in a dimly lit corner or study space rather than one with lots of sunlight all day long.


The Zanzibar Gem, also referred to as the ZZ Plant, has strong stems and smooth, emerald-green leaves. In order to help it conserve water, it also develops from rhizomes. The plant is endemic to Eastern Africa, thrives in low-light environments, and needs very little water.

This plant has glossy dark leaves that require little to no maintenance, giving the advantage of putting the plant in a dim or bright area with little to no irrigation.


Devils Ivy (Epipremnum aureum) is one of the plants that love low-light conditions. This plant's name actually refers to how difficult it is to eradicate. It is also known for its tenacity and ability to filter the air.

Additionally, it has a very low water requirement and is very simple to propagate. This plant baby in our online plant nursery in Sydney comes with the perfect greenery for that somewhat gloomy and darkish nook.


Snake plants (Sansevieria) thrive in low light, making them perfect for indoor plants. These succulents are easy to care for and are often used in terrariums or as tabletop plants.

The snake plant is excellent for purifying the air and requires little irrigation. Furthermore, it can reach a height of four feet, making it the ideal plant for filling bare spaces in rooms.


Philodendron Cordatum is a slow-growing indoor plant that loves being in a bright but shaded area. This philodendron has heart-shaped leaves and grows up to 18 inches tall. It produces long vines that can be trained over a trellis or allowed to trail over the side of a desk or bookcase.

This plant can be kept indoors or outdoors but is best suited for warm climates with moderate amounts of humidity. Although it can survive low light levels, a Philodendron Heart-leaf will thrive and develop more quickly in bright indirect light.

Finding the Ideal Plants for an Indoor Situation

When it comes to choosing plants for an indoor situation, there are a few things to keep in mind.

  • First and foremost, keep in mind the light intensity. Since indoor lighting is usually lower than outdoor lighting, you'll want to find plants that can cope with the lower light levels.
  • Stick to species or varieties that are known for being tolerant of low light levels.

Buy indoor plants online in Sydney here.